A partner shares responsibility in some common activity with another individual or group.
A Partner of Perpetual International Faith Church or (PIOM) is someone committed to this ministry and shares its vision.
Partnership is the relationship between people who support one another in the achievement of a common goal.
By no means is partnership just an avenue by which to raise finances. Instead, it is a mutual exchange of faithfulness. Paul & Beverly Stephens faithfully and actively pray daily on behalf of Partners. They declare the blessing, the empowerment to prosper and excel on their Partners. Partners of this ministry have a right to connect to the anointing that is on this ministry so that they, too, can prosper spiritually, socially, mentally, physically, emotionally and financially.
Our Part
Pray daily for God's blessings to be on you.
Study and diligently seek the Word of God.
Furnish you with an official partner certificate.
Periodically offer special gifts for your spiritual edification and growth.
Be good stewards and operate with integrity and excellence.
Your Part
Attend weekly services.
Always pray for the Pastors and the Ministry.
Actively strive to recruit new Partners/members.
Support us financially with your sowing: "Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account" (Philippians 4:17).